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Author: MikeTate

Transport and parking at YBB

We are currently reviewing parking provision at Ysgol Bae Baglan to ensure that our pupils are safe coming onto and leaving the school site. We have a large number of pupils who are taxied to school from across the authority and need to ensure the smooth operation of pick up and set down times. Unfortunately we still have a very small minority of parents that park on double yellow lines at the front and rear of the building and continue to reinforce the inappropriateness of this.

Like all schools we do not provide parking for parents and want to encourage healthier ways for our pupils to get to school. Our pupils benefit from an agreement with local bus companies that they can use this provision with a YBB ticket and we have got ample, and well used, cycle and scooter storage on site. From this week we are also trialling a walking bus for lower school pupils and hope that this encourages as many parents and pupils as possible to think about the school journey.

Once final decisions have been agreed on future transport plans we will ensure we communicate this to all parents and carers. During this period we will not be issuing any parking passes as this is a central focus for changes.



Prior to Easter I sent out a letter reinforcing our non-negotiables for staff and pupils. This was a result of feedback received from parents via our online questionnaires and serves to reinforce the ethos of opportunity for all at Ysgol Bae Baglan. These non-negotiables are very easy to remember and are therefore simple for all of us to follow but the impact that they have on the climate and ethos of YBB is huge. To recap:

1) Limited use of phones. Phones are to be in bags if they are brought to school (they remain the responsibility of parents/ carers if they are brought). Pupils can use phones at lunch or break only in the dining rooms.
2) Good work ethic, high levels of cooperation, engage with work and always do your best.
3) Good punctuality: to school and to lessons.
4) Respect for staff and environment.
5) Full uniform/ correct equipment/ remove outer garments in class.
6) Leave social issues outside classroom.

We will continue to reinforce and refine these values with feedback from staff, pupils and parents throughout this half term.

Year 11 Exam News

It is now only 14 school days until the start of the main GCSE period for our Year 11 pupils. Hopefully they have all used their time over the Easter holidays wisely and are feeling confident. Welsh orals have been taking place today and yesterday and pupils will continue to have their normal timetable right through until Friday May 26th. After half term there will be a bespoke revision timetable in place to support them through the final few weeks of exams. It is critical that all pupils continue to attend every day and ensure that they wear full school uniform throughout this period. A timetable for revision support will be available on the school website.

School Timings from September 2018

Following several months of consultation the new school timings have been agreed. These will start from September 2018 and will ensure parity across all key stages, help develop cross phase working and provide all our pupils with greater opportunities as one school. Can I thank all staff, parents and carers for their feedback.

Years 7-11 Years R-6
Breakfast club 8am 8am
Start of day/ registration 8:30-8:50 inc assembly 8:30-8:50 inc assembly
Lesson 1 8:50-9:50 8:50-10:20 Session 1
Lesson 2 9:50-10:50 10:20-10:40 Break
Break 10:50-11:10 10:40-12:10 Session 2
Lesson 3 11:10-12:10 12:10-1:00 Lunch
Lesson 4 12:10-1:10 1:00-3:00 Session 3 with break as appropriate
Lunch 1:10-1:50
Lesson 5 1:50-2:50
Registration Period 2:50-2:55


Following last nights year 7 parents’ evening, which saw a record attendance, we have collated all responses to our exit questionnaires. A letter will go home tomorrow highlighting those areas that parents and carers feel that we are doing well with but also looking at any areas for development with any changes we will be making as a result. It is vital that we continue to take opportunities to listen to staff, pupils and parents as the information we get back from consultations, questionnaire responses, focus groups and individual interviews contributes towards making our school even better.

I have delivered a week of assemblies to all our pupils looking at what are our non-negotiables in school – those key elements that help develop the ethos of YBB and I have included these in the letter that will go home.

Don’t forget there is a school INSET day on Thursday 29th March before the Easter holidays.

Thank you for your continued support.

School Uniform

Last week I reinforced in all assemblies the importance of wearing full school uniform. This forms one of our school non-negotiables and is an extremely important tool in creating the atmosphere and ethos of YBB as well as setting the appropriate tone for learning. Our website makes it very clear of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable and we expect all our pupils to be dressed appropriately. Any pupil not wearing full uniform must have a valid reason that has been communicated to their well being director from their parent or carer. Consistent non compliance will result in appropriate sanctions.

I am very proud of how the vast majority of my pupils look and thank all parents or carers for their ongoing support.

A reminder that the school uniform supplier is Sportec in Neath and items of clothing can be purchased direct from their shop or website:—swansea-schools-uniform/ysgol-bae-baglan


Changes to School Day for September 2018

Following consultation with staff, parents and the wider community the plans to change the school day to allow more cross phase opportunities as well as parity across all phases of the school has now closed. Can I thank all parties who have given feedback or have asked for clarification on particular issues. This has allowed us to ensure that the new timings are best fit for all. I will be putting the timings, which will be in place from September 2018, onto the school website early next week.