Mae Mrs Thomas a’r Adran Gymraeg wedi creu adnodd newydd sy’n hynod o boblogaidd gyda disgyblion ym mhob blwyddyn. Y sesiynau ystafell ddianc er mwyn achub Mr Urdd wir yn datblygu sgiliau llafar, hyder wrth ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg a gwybodaeth am hanes Cymru! Dyma rai o ddosbarth 7SGO ar ol iddynt yn llwyddo achub Mr Urdd. Yn ogystal a chael ei ddefnyddio mewn gwersi mae’r system archebu lle amser egwyl a chinio wedi bod yn llawn bob dydd ers wythnosau. Mrs Thomas and the Welsh Department have created a new resource which is proving really popular with pupils in all year groups. The escape room sessions, in order to save Mr Urdd, develop oracy skills and confidence in speaking Cymraeg along with improving our pupils knowledge and understanding of Welsh history. The picture shows some of class 7SGO after they managed to successfully complete the challenges and freed Mr Urdd. As well as being used in lessons the booking system for using it at break and lunchtimes as been full for weeks.