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Author: Mr M. Morgan

Gwaith Disgyblion Ysgol Bae Baglan ar arddangosfa yng Nghastell Nedd/Ysgol Bae Baglan Pupils work on display in Neath

Some of our pupils’ photography work is currently on display at the Queen Street Art Gallery in Neath, showcasing the incredible creativity and talent of our pupils. The exhibited pieces were produced following a photo shoot trip to Swansea. Back in the art room, they transformed these photographs into stunning digital collages, combining technical skill with artistic vision.

Ser Yr Wythnos Blwyddyn 7 Pupils of the Week

Llongyfarchiadau enfawr to Harri, Oscar, Toby and Jayden ar ennill tystysgrifau Ser Yr Wythnos Blwyddyn 7 yr wythnos hon. Mae’r bechgyn wedi cael ei gydnybyddu am ddangos enghraifft ardderchog i eraill. Huge congratulations to Harri, Oscar, Toby and Jayden on earning Pupil of the Week certificates in year 7 this week. The boys achived their awards for showing an excellent example to others.

Cwrs Dysgu Cymraeg am ddim ar gyfer staff Ysgolion Castell Nedd Port Talbot/Free Learn Welsh Course for staff working in Neath Port Talbot Schools

Please click on the link here for details of our Course Cymraeg Bob Dydd (Everyday Welsh). The course is free and available to all school staff, teaching, teaching support, admin, catering and maintenance. This course will run in partnership with Dysgu Cymraeg Swansea Bay each Tuesday, 3:15 – 5:15pm from 28th January (10 sessions – 20 hours) in the Welsh Department at Ysgol Bae Baglan. The course is aimed at providing all school staff with the knowledge and confidence to use Welsh with pupils and each other in class and around school.   This opportunity will be open to all school staff across Neath Port Talbot.

Gwobr Efydd AFSS Bronze Award

Roeddem wrth ein boddau ddoe i glywed bod Ysgol Bae Baglan wedi ennill statws efydd o dan y cynllun Armed Forces Friendly Schools. Rydym yn hynod o falch o’r cydnabyddiaeth a llongyfarchiadau enfawr i’n Pencampwraig Plant y Lluoedd Arfog Mrs Abby Challenger a’n plant y lluoedd arfog am eu gwaith anhygoel!!

We were delighted to receive the news yesterday that Ysgol Bae Baglan has achieved bronze award status under the Armed Forces Friendly Schools scheme. We are extremely proud of this recognition and huge congratulations to our Service Children Champion Mrs Abby Challenger and our fabulous service children for their amazing work.     

Ysgol Gymunedol/A Community School

Am hyfryd! Mi wnaeth dosbarth 7AJH rhoi sypreis hyfryd i’n cymdogion ar stad Afandale bore ddoe wrth ddosbarthu mice pies, canu carolau a dymuno nadolig llawen i bawb yna. Da iawn Mr John a Dosbarth 7AJH, menter anhygoel. Simply lovely! Class 7AJH gave the residents of Afandale a lovely surprise early yesterday morning by delivering mince pies to each house, wishing them a very Merry Christmas from all at Ysgol Bae Baglan and entertaining them with some Christmas Carols. Well done Mr John and Class 7AJH, amazing initiative.

Brecwast Lles Blwyddyn 7 Wellbeing Breakfast

Dechreuodd menter newydd yn yr ysgol heddiw, brecwast lles blwyddyn 7. Yn ystod y flwyddyn academaiddd, bydd cyfle i bob disgybl blwyddyn 7 yn mwynhau tost a siocled poeth gyda’n Cyfarwyddwr Lles Blwyddyn 7, Miss Holland, ac i fynegi barn yn anffurfiol am beth maen nhw’n hoffi/eisiau gwella yn yr ysgol. Diolch yn fawr blwyddyn 7 am eich syniadau aeddfed a diddorol. A new wellbeing initiative started in school today, year 7 wellbeing breakfasts. During this academic year, all year 7 pupils will have the opportunity to enjoy toast and hot chocolate with our year 7 Wellbeing Director Miss Holland, and to express their opinions informally on what they like about school and any ideas they have for improving things further. Diolch yn fawr iawn blwyddyn 7 for your mature, interesting ideas,

Sesiwn Nadoligaidd Pel-rwyd Blwyddyn 7&8 Christmas Netball

Sesiwn olaf pel-rwyd ar gyfer timau blwyddyn 7&8 cyn y nadolig ar ol yr ysgol heddiw. Cystadleuaeth hwyl gyda 38 o ddisgyblion yn cymryd rhan a 5 Llysgennad Chwaraeon Blwyddyn 10 wrth y lliw. Sesiwn hwylus iawn a diolch i Mrs Harrison a Mrs Austin am ei threfnu. Last netball session for our year 7&8 teams before Christmas after school today. A fun competition with 38 pupils taking part and 5 of our Year 10 Sports Ambassadors in charge. Lots of fun and Christmas spirit on show, diolch to Mrs Harrison and Mrs Austin for arranging it.   

Enillwyr/Winners – Year 7 jingle bell team

Ail Safle/Runners up – Year 8 Santa Slayers 

Sesiwn Codio Prifysgol Abertawe am Ddosbarth 7AHA

7AHA had a fantastic afternoon learning about codes and ciphers with Theresa from Mathematics Support Programme Wales.  We learnt about the Pigpen cipher and were able to decode secret messages and write our own messages to our friends.  We then went on to make a cipher wheel to help us decode using the Caesar cipher.

Year 10 Pupils Explore Swansea for Second Location Photo Shoot

Our Year 10 photography pupils visited Swansea for their second location photo shoot on Friday 6th December. The crisp, cold weather and excellent sunlight provided the perfect backdrop for capturing a range of stunning images.

The pupils explored several vibrant locations, including the SA1 Waterfront, the Marina, the City Centre, and the tropical Plantasia Greenhouse. Each setting offered exciting opportunities to develop their skills, experiment with composition, and capture unique perspectives.

The photographs taken during this shoot will play a vital role in their coursework. Pupils will continue to use these images right up to the end of term as they refine their editing techniques and create their final pieces. A fantastic effort by everyone involved!LikeCommentSave for later

Gweithdy Creadigol ar gyfer Artistiaid Blwyddyn 9&10 Creative Workshop for Year 9&10 Artists

Creative Workshop Success with Year 9 and 10 Artists

This week, 75 of our talented Year 9 and 10 pupils had the incredible opportunity to work alongside professional Welsh artist Lesley Dearn in a series of hands-on workshops.

The focus of the sessions was on the exciting technique of gel printing, a brand-new skill for our pupils. This quick and dynamic method allowed them to create stunning results, sparking inspiration for their future projects.

The workshops were a fantastic opportunity for our young artists to explore professional techniques, experiment creatively, and produce work they can develop further in their art journey. A huge thank you to Lesley Dearn for sharing her expertise and enthusiasm!