Da iawn i’n tim hoci blwyddyn 8 wrth chwarae eu gemau gyntaf yn erbyn Ysgol Bro Dur ac Ysgol Ystalyfera heddiw, canlyniadau ardderchog. Da iawn to our year 8 hockey team who played their first matches today aganst Ysgol Bro Dur and Ysgol Ystalyfera today, excellent results.
Pel-droed blwyddyn 7 v Ysgol Sant Joseff
Braf iawn oedd croesawu tim pel-droed y bechgyn blwyddyn 7 Ysgol Sant Joseff a’u rhieni i’r ysgol y prynhawn ‘ma am gem gynghrair. Perfformiadau ardderchog gan bawb a llongyfarchiadau i’n blwyddyn 7 ar eu buddugoliaeth 7-3. It was lovely to welcome the year 7 boys football team from Ysgol St Joseph’s and their parents to school this afternoon for a league game. Excellent performances from both teams and congratulations to our Year 7 on their 7-3 victory.
Y Gymraeg a Chymreictod/The Welsh Language and pride in our heritage
Mwynheuodd blwyddyn 7 gorymdaith yr Urdd i lawr ar y traeth yn Aberafan heddiw. Cyfle gwych i ddathlu Eisteddfod Yr Urdd yn dod i’r ardal ym mis Mai 2025. Year 7 really enjoyed attending the Urdd Procession down at Aberavon beach today. A great opportunity to celebrate the Urdd Eisteddfod coming to the area in May 2025.
Pel-rwyd Genedlaethol Yr Urdd National Netball
Gwaith ardderchog gan ein tim pel-rwyd blwyddyn 10/11 wrth gyrraedd y rownd gynderfynol yng Nghystadleuaeth Cenedlaethol yr Urdd. Da iawn merched, rydym yn falch iawn ohonoch! Excellent work by our Year 10/11 netball team in reaching the semi finals in the Urdd National Netball Competition. Well done girls, we are very proud of you.
Ras 2km Elusennol Nadolig Blwyddyn 7 Christmas Charity Race – 3 Rhagfyr
Ar 3 Rhagfyr, bydd blwyddyn 7 yn rhedeg ras 2km elusennol nadolig er mwyn codi arian am eu helusen o ddewis. Edrychwn ymlaen yn fawr at weld eu hetiau santa a bydd medalau am 1af, 2il a 3ydd yn y rasys bechgyn a merched. On 3rd December, year 7 will be running a 2km Christmas Charity Race in school, raising money for their chosen charity . We are really looking forward to seeing their Santa hats and medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the boys and girls races respectively.
Pel-droed merched blwyddyn 7
Hyfryd iawn oedd croesawu tim pel-dreod merched blwyddyn 7 Ysgol Cwm Brombil i’r ysgol y prynhawn ‘ma. Er roedd yn oer, roedd y pel-droed yn ardderchog! Da iawn bawb a diolch i Mr Gorvett am drefnu. It was lovely to welcome Ysgol Cwm Brombil girls year 7 football team to school this afternoon. Despite the cold weather, the football was excellent! Great work all and thanks to Mr Gorvett for organising.
Eisteddfod Y Rhondda
Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Brooke ym Mlwyddyn 11am ddod yn 1af yn y Gystadleuaeth Gelf Blwyddyn 7-13 yn Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. Huge congratulations to Brooke in year 11 on winning the Year 7-13 Art Competition in Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024.
Eisteddfod Y Rhondda
Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Chloe ym mlwyddyn 11am ddod yn gydradd 3ydd yn y Gystadleuaeth Llenyddiaeth i Ddysgwyr yn Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. Huge congratulations to Chloe in year 11 on coming joint 3rd in the Learners Literacy Competition in Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024.
Eisteddfod Y Rhondda
Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Amelia ym mlwyddyn 11am ddod yn gydradd 3ydd yn y Gystadleuaeth Llenyddiaeth i Ddysgwyr yn Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. Huge congratulations to Amelia in year 11 on coming joint 3rd in the Learners Literacy Competition in Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024.
Tarian Ysgol Bae Baglan Shield
Dyma’r pwyntiau ar ol ein cystadlaethau ar 18 Tachwedd. Edrychwn ymlaen at ein cystadlaethau rygbi a hoci ar 7 Ebrill 2025. Here are the points after our competitions on 18 November. We are loking forward to our rugby and hockey competitions on 7 April 2025.
Tarian Ysgol Bae Baglan Shield
Cystadleuaeth pel-rwyd, llongyfarchiadau i bob tim sydd wedi cystadlu heddiw gyda son arbenning i’n hennillwyr Ysgol Tywyn ac ail safle Ysgol Carreg Hir: Netball competition, congratulations to all who competed today with special mention to our winners Ysgol Tywyn and runners up Ysgol Carreg Hir.
Tarian Ysgol Bae Baglan Shield
Cystadleuaeth pel-droed, llongyfarchiadau i bob tim sydd wedi cystadlu heddiw gyda son arbenning i’n hennillwyr Ysgol Tywyn ac ail safle Ysgol Baglan: Football competition, congratulations to all who competed today with special mention to our winners Ysgol Tywyn and runners up Ysgol Baglan.
Headteacher’s Update – 18th November 2024
Last Week
Yr Ysgol Ganol/Middle School
The whole school came together to hold a very special Remembrance Service on Tuesday. Our pupils were respectful and dignified in supporting the service and some played significant roles in the event. It was lovely to welcome S4C to the school and there was a fabulous bulletin of our service on Heno Tuesday evening
Blwyddyn 8/Year 8
This week has marked Armistice Day and in order to support the Royal British Legion Mrs Challenger’s form have been busy selling poppies. Pupils and staff have been very giving and we are able to make a generous donation to the charity.
This week’s Seren Yr Wythnos has been awarded to Alana Hughes and Lily Collins both of 8ACH. This is due to their ongoing dedication in promoting the Welsh language across the school! Well done girls. Finally, Year 8 are still busy collecting for our annual Mr X Appeal and we would greatly appreciate any donations of gifts via your child’s form tutor if you are able to.
Huge congratulations to our Criw Cymraeg who won the Neath Port Talbot Schools Dragon’s Den competition. They won a prize of £1000 to spend on developing the use of Welsh across our school and local community. Their bilingual presentation was very professional, highlighting their obvious passion for our language. Many thanks to Miss Holland, Mrs Thomas and all staff for their support to the crew.
Blwyddyn 7
SerenYr Wythnos: Llongyfarchiadau i Livie Davies for her excellent animal cell homework made entirely out of cake and Riley Parker for excellent efforts in History.
Cystadleuaeth Ffotograffiaeth Eisteddfod Y Cymoedd Photography Competition
Huge congratulations to Ceirion in class 7MLA who recently won the Year 7-13 photography competition at the Valleys Eisteddfod in Caerphilly.
12 pupils attended a SEREN event in Bro Dur on Wednesday 13th November which was a preparation day for the NPT debating competition. All pupils thoroughly enjoyed and can’t wait to start working on their debating technique in preparation for Januarys competition.
Children In Need 2024
The whole school came together last Friday to help raise money for the annual Children in Need campaign. There were a variety of activities including wearing non-uniform and stalls and activities at lunchtime. We managed to raise over £1,500 which is a tremendous effort. A big thank you in particular to Miss Jenkins and the Year 11 Leaders who worked so hard to make it a successful day.
YBB Garden
As the seasons change, it is lovely to see the success of the gardening completed over the last few months. We have used the money raised to plant over 200 daffodils and we have had great results from the gardening completed during work experience week. A big thank you to 11JMA and who completed a lot of hard work this autumn and HEAT who fundraised in the summer.
Sports Results (week beginning 11th -15th Nov)
Tues 12th – Year 7 Boys rugby development festival – Won 2/Lost 2
Year 9 Netball v Maesteg – Won
Year 11 Netball v Maesteg -Won
Year 8 boys football v St.Josephs – Won
Year 10 boys football v St Josephs – Won
Year 9/10 Girls Basketball Tournament (Won 2/Lost 1 – County Runners-Up)
Weds 13th – Year 7 boys rugby v Llangatwg – Lost
Thurs 14th – Year 7 girls rugby festival – Won (Unbeaten)
This Week
On Thursday 21st November, the school’s Christmas Celebration returns!! It will be held in the atrium area between 4-7 p.m. All are welcome.
Sports Fixtures/Training Week beginning 18th-22nd Nov)
Mon 18th – Transition football and Netball competition at YBB 1pm -2.45pm.
Tues 19th – Cross-County Championships (Selected pupils in years 7-11, Elba – Gorseinon 12.30 -4pm)
Year 8 Hockey training (lunch)
Weds 20th – Mixed year group dry-slope Skiing at Pembrey
Year 7 Hockey training (lunch)
Year 11 boys football v St Joseph’s (away)
Year 7 girls football v St Joseph’s (home,)
Thurs 21st – Year 10/11 girls Urdd Netball (Cardiff – all day)
Fri 22nd- Year 9/10 Boys basketball competition (YBB – 1pm -3pm)
Eisteddfod Y Rhondda Capel Hermon, Treorci 16 Tachwedd 2024
Ar ddydd Sadwrn, aeth 14 o’n ddisgyblion i Gapel Hermon, Treorci er mwyn cystadlu yn Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. Profiad hyfryd a llwyddiannus i’r grŵp unwaith eto. On Saturday, 14 of our pupils travelled to Hermon Chapel, Treorchy to compete in Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. Another lovely, successful experience for the group.
Grŵp Recitation Blwyddyn 7-13 Group Recitation
3ydd Ysgol Bae Baglan
Cystadleuaeth Llenyddiaeth Blwyddyn 7-13 Literacy Competition
3ydd ar y cyd Amelia Davies/Chloe Evans Ysgol Bae Baglan
Cystadleuaeth Celf Blwyddyn 7-13 Literacy Competition
1af Brooke Little Ysgol Bae Baglan
Class of 2024 Examination Certificates
All certificates have now been delivered to the school and will be available for collection on Tuesday 19th November.