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Headteacher’s Update – 21st October 2024

BINGO! Our Year 7’s have been completing their kindness bingo cards this week, displaying a number of random acts of kindness. We have used our lovely manners, we have offered each other help, positive praise and shown a respectful attitude. Kindness spreads kindness and it is scientifically proven to be good for us. 

Llongyfarchiadau to our Seren yr Wythnos this week, Jaxon Malyn for his incredible kindness and Callan Boxall for a consistently excellent effort and attitude. Equally, llongyfarchiadau to our winners for Gwobr Cymreictod, Abdullah Nazirov and Erin Jones for their positive attitude towards Wales, Welsh, its culture and heritage.  

Well done to this week’s Year 8 Seren Yr Wythnos  which went to Michael Owen and Casey Button for achieving such a high number of positive perxs in one week and being a remarkable friend and role model respectively. Well done and congratulations both! 

This week 8GDA planned and presented a fantastic assembly to Years 7 and 8 on Diwrnod Shwmae and the importance of keeping the Welsh language alive. Thank you to Mr Davies and the pupils in his form. Finally, several pupils from 8ACH and 8JLE have been busy rehearsing this week for Monday’s ‘BANG’ project which will be performed to Year 6 on Monday to highlight the dangers of Bonfire Night and how pupils and their families can enjoy the event safely. 

Ar nos Wener, aeth 35 o’n disgyblion i Ysgol Cwm Rhymni er mwyn cystadlu yn Eisteddfod Y Cymoedd 2024. Mi roedd yn noson hyfryd a llwyddiannus iawn iddynt, diolch yn fawr iawn i Mrs Murphy-Harries am baratoi’r grŵp i berfformio a mynd â nhw am brofiad gwerthfawr iawn,

On Friday night, 35 of our pupils visited Ysgol Cwm Rhymney to take part in Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. It was a lovely and very successful evening for them, huge thanks to Mrs Murphy-Harries for preparing the group to perform and taking them on a very valuable learning experience.

Llefaru Unigol Blwyddyn 7-13 Individual Recitation

1af Cameron Barnett Ysgol Bae Baglan

2il Phoebe Gorvett Ysgol Bae Baglan

3ydd Gracie Paisey Ysgol Bae Baglan

Grŵp Recitation Blwyddyn 7-13 Group Recitation

1af Ysgol Bae Baglan (grŵp 2)

2il Ysgol Bae Baglan (grŵp 3)

3ydd Ysgol Bae Baglan (grŵp 1)

Cystadleuaeth Llenyddiaeth Blwyddyn 7-9 Literacy Competition

1af Mared Nicholas Ysgol Bae Baglan

2il Harvey Rees Ysgol Bae Baglan

Cystadleuaeth Llenyddiaeth Blwyddyn 10-13 Literacy Competition

1af Amelia Davies Ysgol Bae Baglan

2il Chloe Evans Ysgol Bae Baglan 3ydd Grace Smith Ysgol Bae Baglan 

A selection of our pupils are currently exhibiting their work at the Queen Street Gallery during the Neath Arts Festival. Mr John and Mrs Noonan also have their own artwork on display. 

Over 40 pupils have entered the Hoop Education ‘create a pumpkin’ competition. Many thanks to all that contributed. We’ve had some amazing entries and winners will be announced over the next few weeks. 

Year 10 Personal Development classes have been working with MorganStone Construction as part of their Careers and Work Related Education. Pupils have enjoyed learning about a wide range of careers in construction.  They have been matching skills to Project Managers, Health and Safety Officers, Quantity Surveyors along with Marketing and Digital Services.

Pupils had the opportunity to create their own bluprints of homes and public buildings when learning about maths in construction.  Past pupil Dylan Samuel is working for the company, he is in the process of completing a higher apprenticeship.  Dylan has been very engaging and he has been excellent at building relationships with pupils.

Year 11 have had a busy week starting with parents’ evening on Monday. Pupils have also had end of topic tests in Science and English assessments.

The Rugby Leaders spent the day in Llandarcy working with primary pupils using rugby skills to build confidence.

Year 11 Leaders met to plan Children in Need activities, Year 11 are looking to oversee the events for November 15th.

Neath Port Talbot College came into year 11 assembly to discuss further education options.

On Wednesday, I had the pleasure of meeting with the Year 11 Leaders. As well as takaing the opportunity to award the pupils with their certificates for their successful applications, it was a nice opportunity to listen to their views and opinions about a range of issues and their plans for the year ahead.


Weds 16thOur Year 11 Rugby leaders assisted with Primary festival at Llandarcy Academy of Sport

Thurs  17th – Year 7 boys rugby v Cwm Brombil – Lost  


Thurs 17th – Year 7A v St Josephs  – Won

                     Year 7B v St Josephs   – Won

                     Year 7C v St Josephs   –  Lost

                     Year 8A v St Josephs   – Lost

                     Year 8B v St Josephs   – Lost


Weds 16th    Year 7 boys football v Cwm Brombil – Won

                      Year 9 boys football v Cwm Brombil – Won

Thurs 17th –  Year 11 boys football v Cwm Brombil – Lost

Monday 21st  

Year 7 boys rugby training (lunch)

Year 8 netball training (3-3.45)

Tuesday 22nd

Cross Country Relay races (Cwmtawe school -12pm until 4.30pm)

Year 8/9 Girls rugby – “Road to the principality” competition (Ysgol Bae Baglan  9am -2.30pm)

Year 9 boys rugby development festival at Cenfig School

Year 8/9 Hockey training (after school)

Year 7 netball v Cwm Brombil (away)

Wednesday 23rd

Year 8/9 boys rugby training (lunch)

Year 7 hockey training (lunch)

Year 10 football match v Cwm Brombil (home- after school)

Year 9/10/11 netball training (after school)

Our Year 11 Rugby leaders will once again be assisting with a Primary festival at Llandarcy Academy of Sport

Thursday 24th

Year 10/11 girls rugby – “Road to the principality” competition (Aberavon Green Stars-  9am -2.30pm)

Year 8 boys football v Cwm Brombil (a)

Year 10 rugby Ospreys cup v Cefn Saeson (a)

Headteacher’s Update – 14th October 2024

Year 11 Geography pupils visited Mumbles as part of their GCSE Fieldwork studying change over time in the local area.  They had a hugely successful day, which included asking the public questionnaires, filling in land use maps and re-photographing the area.

The team held their first full meeting this week, lots of great discussions including plans for a second-hand toy stall to help the community with the cost of Christmas and reduce the amount of toys that get thrown away. They decided to spend some of the £102 they raised in the Welsh Festival in July on brand new uniform items for our female sanitary product cupboard to support both pupils and visitors to the school site. Applications from year 7 pupils to join the team will also be open next week – pupils can see their registration teacher for details.

Year 11 leaders delivered an assembly on Leadership and Role Models to the rest of the year groups this week. 

KS3 Drama Club are busy rehearsing for the BANG project transition event. 

A letter has gone regarding an overnight Photography trip to London and Bristol. I have sent it to year 9’s and they have until Friday 18th October to express an interest in the trip.

We have launched an NSPCC related kindness challenge for the month of October. We will be completing a range of thoughtful tasks to promote kindness and “make it the norm”. We have started creating a display with our handprints, each containing positive comments from other pupils, recognising our unique qualities and what each of us has to offer.  We will be completing a kindness bingo card and creating targets on what attributes are important to us, how we maintain our kind and respectful reputation as a year group, and how we can be good role models to others in our school.

Our role models and Seren yr Wythnos this week are Lilly Rae Davies and Phebee Stachera. We would also like to recognise Brandon Doyle and Harri Purchase Davies for winning our Gwobr Cymreictod. 

Special mention this week to our amazing Head of Art, Mr John, and his form class 7AJH, for creating the wonderful Welsh mural as part of our Wal Gymru in school. 

Congratulations to our Seren yr Wythnos winners this week, Elena Roberts and Jake Bailey, recognised for their consistently excellent attitudes to learning and cheerfulness to all aspects of school life.

Year 8 were joined in assembly this week by our new Year 11 pupil leaders. We were delighted to listen to their plans and congratulate them on their recent appointments. The assembly certainly inspired year 8 and provided role models for their own aspirations in the future.

Year 8 have also been busy as part of our Eisteddfod group and will be  competing at Eisteddfod Y Cymoedd in Ysgol Cwm Rhymni on Friday 18th October 2024.

As part of Neath Libraries ‘Children’s Literature Festival’, the oral storyteller, Ceri Phillips, worked with our Seren pupils in year 8 on the tradition of oral storytelling in Wales linked to their work in English on the concept of Fear. Pupils have given themselves Bardic names, heard an urban myth about a traveller and contributed creatively to complete the end of the story.


Tues 8th – Year 9 boys Ospreys Cup v Cefn Saeson  (a) – Won

                  Year 8 boys v Dwr Y Felin (h) – lost

Thurs 9th  – Year 7 boys v Bro Dur (h) – Won


Thurs 10th – Year 7A v Birchgrove  (a) – Won

                      Year 7B v Birchgrove  (a) – Won

Congratulations to the Year 11 netball team who retained their crown as County Champions in thrilling matches v Olchfa and Bishopston.


Mon 7TH – Year 7 football festival V Bro Dur held at YBB. Over 50 pupils involved!

Weds 9th – Year 6 played Carreg Hir (a) – Drew

On Thursday 10th October, 38 GCSE PE pupils attended Neath Port Talbot College, Llandarcy campus to carry out fitness testing as part of their ‘Personal Fitness Programme’ evaluation. The pupils enjoyed using state of the art equipment and it was lovely to see past pupils who had chosen to follow a sport course at the college running the tests. The visit also gave them an insight into the type of courses available at Llandarcy.

During the annual AGM held on Wednesday we said farewell to a number of longstanding governors who are either retiring or whose terms of office have come to an end. Four of the retiring governors had served on the Governing Body for ten years, initially on the interim Governing Body and then on the Full Governing Body when the school opened in September 2016. We would like to thank them for their dedication and commitment to the school and wish them all the best in the future.

Linda Roberts receiving a commemorative slate from Councillor Ted Latham (Chair of Governors) which were kindly produced by Mrs Jayne Lewis from our Technology Department

Flu vaccinations on Tuesday 15th.

Parents Evening on Wednesday 16th and 17th. Parents have been encouraged to book an appointment and to pop along for a cup of tea/coffee and a chat with Mr Davies and Governors. A film will be on in one of the classrooms for parents to leave children whilst they meet with class teachers (supervised by staff).

Year 11 Parents’ Evening is being held on Monday 14th October

Tuesday, 15th October, is Diwrnod Shwmae across Wales. Diolch yn fawr to our Welsh and Art staff, along with our Criw Cymraeg for organising some fun activities on the day. Diolch yn fawr in advance also to Mr Davies’ form class 8GDA who will be delivering assemblies on the event to year 7&8 on Monday and Tuesday respectively. All pupils and staff are kindly requested to wear a red, white or green top on the day to celebrate our Cymreictod (Welshness). Letters have been sent on satchel one and the website for pupils regarding this, please note the expectation is full uniform on the bottom half; trousers/skirts/tights and shoes.

Dydd Llun/Monday 14h

Year 7 boys rugby training (lunch)

Year 8 netball training (3-3.45)

Dry Slope skiing session at Pembrey Ski Centre

Dydd Mawrth/Tuesday 15th

Year 7 girls rugby training (lunch)

Year 9 boys rugby development festival at Cenfig School

Year 8/9 Hockey training (after school)

Year 7/8 netball v St Josephs (h)

Cross Country race at Elba, Gorseinon for selected boys and girls in Years 7-11.

Dydd Mercher/Wednesday 16th

Year 5/6 Netball primary tournament (Ysgol Bro-Dur – 9.30am-2pm)

Year 8/9 boys rugby training (lunch)

Year 7 hockey training (lunch)

Year 7 and 9 football match v Cwm Brombil (away- after school)

Year 9/10/11 netball training (after school)

Year 10 boys rugby – Ospreys cup v Cefn Saeson (a)

Dydd Iau/Thursday 17th

Year 7  boys rugby v Cwm Brombil (a)

Year 11 boys football v Cwm Brombil (a)

Mae cefnogaeth cwricwlwm ychwanegol ar gael yn ôl yr amserlen isod:

The following timetable of additional curriculum support is available:

Dydd Mawrth/Tuesday 3pm – 4pm

History Revision Germany and exam technique – HU11

French LC5

Drama EA2

Dydd Mercher/Wednesday 3pm – 4pm

Art EA8

Business Hu9

Engineering TE4

Maths Intermediate Ma5

Skills Challenge Hu1

Dydd Iau/Thursday 3pm – 4pm

Geography Hu10

Art EA6

Skills Challenge Ma2

Amser cinio/Lunchtime

Business Hu9 Mon and Fri

Digital Technology Hu7 Mon, Wed and Fri

Engineering TE4 daily

GCSE PE Personal fitness programme/catch-up session in HU15 – Thurs

Skills Challenge Hu1 daily

Welsh LC9 Wed and Thurs

Siarter Iaith Cymraeg/Welsh Language Charter Ysgol Bae Baglan

At Ysgol Bae Baglan we aim to inspire every pupil in feeling pride and affection towards our language and culture. We strive to do this by creating a school environment where seeing, hearing and using Welsh is a natural everyday experience. We are committed to achieving success under the Welsh Language Charter Award Scheme. You will have recently seen our Siarter Iaith School Statement published on the school website. Please click on the link here to read about the Welsh Language Charter scheme and here to see the steps required for achieving awards in line with the charter requirements. We kindly ask for your help in supporting us to become an ever more bilingual school, cultivating an atmosphere where the Welsh language truly belongs to us all.

Headteacher’s Update – 7th October 2024

On the 25th September Mrs Summerfield took 39 pupils and 5 staff to Poland to visit Auschwitz concentration camp.  They flew from Luton and had a three night stay in Krakow city centre.  Day 1 pupils travelled to Luton airport and arrived for a well earned rest in their hotel. Day2 they had a tour of Krakow and visited many memorials linked to the Holocaust.  They were given some shopping time and then visited a traditional folklore evening where the children were able to get up and dance.  Day 3 the pupils visited Auschwitz which was a harrowing experience but they learnt so much from it.  During the evening they had some well needed fun in the local bowling alley.  Day 4 pupils were given some time to buy some last minute souvenirs in Krakow old town before heading back to the airport to make the journey home.  All pupils thoroughly enjoyed a fantastic experience. 

Last week, the school hosted its annual Year 6 Open Evening between 4:00-7:00 p.m. It was a very succesful event and I would like to thank those secondary pupils who gave up their time to assist pupils and parents. They were all a credit to the school.

Our Year 6, 7 & 8 pupils also enjoyed the Peripatetic Roadshow on Tuesday 1st October which was organised by Cerdd Music. Again, Year 10 GCSE Music pupils helped Mr Lewis run a really enjoyable event. Any students wishing to take up instrumental / vocal lessons, there are several spaces available for new learners in the following areas:

  • Brass
  • Woodwind
  • String
  • Percussion
  • Guitar
  • Piano
  • Singing

A new school choir will be starting on Tuesday 8th October 3pm until 3:45pm. This will occur every Tuesday, and we will be starting to prepare some songs/performances for Christmas.


It was lovely to welcome so many year 6 pupils and parents to their new school on Monday 30th November 2024. This was a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase the amazing breadth of academic and extra-curricular opportunities available at Ysgol Bae Baglan, a very successful evening. The next day we welcomed year 5&6 pupils from across the cluster to enjoy a very entertaining music concert with us, provided by the Neath Port Talbot Peripatetic Service. We look forward to seeing all of year 6 again on 21st October, this time our own pupils will be putting on a drama show based around Halloween and Fireworks Night. Exciting developments to our transition programme this year include the additions of a new sports competition – The Bae Baglan Shield and a Cluster Eisteddfod at Ysgol Bae Baglan in February 2025.

Blwyddyn 7/Year 7

Huge congratulations to our pupils of the week Ayna Reezman and Brody Howells and to our winners of the Gwobr Cymreictod (Welsh Award) Ethan Weaver and Brooklyn Fielding East. Blwyddyn 7 enjoyed a fabulous concert laid on by the Neath Port Talbot peripatetic service on Tuesday. Pupils in the year group have been very busy this week, playing sports fixtures after school, starting rehearsals for taking part on stage in Eisteddfod y Cymoedd in October and providing photographic and art entries for the off-stage competitions. 7MLA have begun preparing their Middle School Assembly on Aberfan and all classes are starting a kindness/wellbeing project under the guidance of the year 7 Wellbeing Director Miss Holland.

Blwyddyn 8/Year 8

Huge congratulations to our pupils of the week Adam Lloyd and Connie Burgum and our Gwobr Cymreictod winner Logan Locke. Some of our year 8 pupils enjoyed an interactive concert with the Neath Port Talbot peripatetic service on Tuesday.   Our year 8 Criw Cymraeg pupils have been busily preparing for the visit of Rhys Locke the County Welsh Language Officer and pupils have also been involved in rehearsals for individual and group recitation performances at Eisteddfod y Cymoedd on the 18th October 2024.  Form class 8GDA have been working on preparing their Middle School Diwrnod Shwmae assembly.

Year 9, 10 & 11 had live assemblies last week from the Sennedd, explaining what happens in the Chambers and encouraging our pupils to consider standing for the Welsh Youth Parliament.

Year 9, 10 & 11 have all taken part in the Upstream Cymru questionnaire to help identify anyone who may need some extra support and in what area allowing us to put in place the relevant programme/referral.

A number of pupils in Y9 have signed up to the Mullany e-Mentoring service and are in regular contact with mentors. The aim is to develop their understanding of possible STEM careers.

I was delighted to meet with our Year 11 Leaders during assembly on Friday 4th October. They will meet the different year groups in assemblies over the next few weeks. Their role includes:-

Act as an ambassador for the School.

Work on School Charity Events

Assist with Year 6 Transition days

Be a tour guide at Open Evening and attend to visitors.

Assist at Parents’ Evenings/School events

Help to organise some Year 11 events.

Meet with Mrs Jenkins weekly.

Create/contribute to assemblies to pupils in middle school.


Tues 1st – Year 9 boys Ospreys Cup v Dwr Y Felin (a) – Lost

Weds 2nd – Year 10 boys Ospreys Cup v Dwr Y Felin (a) – Won

Thurs 3rd – Year 7 boys v Brynteg (a) – Lost

                   Year 8/9 girls v Llangatwg (h) – Won


Weds 2nd – Year 7 A v Dyffryn Amman (h) – lost

                     Year 7 B v Dyffryn Amman (h) – Won

                     Year 8 A v Dyffryn Amman (h) – Won

                     Year 8 B v Dyffryn Amman (h) – lost

Thurs 3rd – Year 10 v Ystalyfera (a) – Won

                    Year 11 v Ystalyfera (a) – Won

The Year 9 netball squad competed in the County Netball Finals at the end of September after winning their group stages. Year 9 won against Cwm Brombil in a tense extra time game and lost to Bishopston coming runners-up in the County. Da iawn!!


Thurs 3rd – A hockey festival was held at YBB (astroturf) for Year 8/9 pupils against Bro Dur.


Weds 2nd – Football festival for Year 9 boys v Bro Dur held at YBB (3G)

Monday 7th

Year 7 boys rugby training (lunch)

Year 7 football festival v Bro Dur (after school)

Year 8 netball training (after school)

Tuesday 8th

Year 7 girls rugby training (lunch)

Year 8 boys rugby v Dwr Y Felin (after school)

Year 8/9 Hockey training (after school)

Year 7 netball training (after school)

Year 9 boys rugby – Ospreys Cup v Cefn Saeson (a)

Wednesday 9th

Year 8/9 boys rugby training (lunch)

Year 7 hockey training (lunch)

Year 6 football match v Carreg Hir (a) 1.45 -2.45pm

Year 9/10/11 netball training (after school)

Year 10 boys rugby – Ospreys cup v Cefn Saeson (a)

Thursday 10th

Year 10/11 girls rugby festival (Bridgend College) 9.30-12.30

Year 7 and 8 boys rugby v Bro Dur (h)

Year 7 netball v Birchgrove (h)

Year 11 GCSE pupils fitness testing at Llandarcy Academy with NPTC College (9-11am)

Year 11 Basketball v LLangatwg/Bro Dur -1.30-3pm (Sports Hall)

Year 11 Parents evening will be held on Monday 14th October. Parents/Carers are reminded to make appointments with the relevant member of staff via the SchoolCloud booking system.