Am fore hyfryd yng nghwni ein disgyblion ac athrawon clwstwr heddiw! Braf iawn oedd cynnal yr Eisteddfod Clwstwr Ysgol Bae Baglan cyntaf yn Theatr Michael Sheen. Diolch o galon a llongyfarchiadau i bob disgybl a wnaeth cystadlu a llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Ysgol Baglan ac Ysgol Blaenbaglan – cyd-enillwyr eleni! Diolch yn fawr hefyd i Wasanaethau Addysgu Apollo am noddi’r Eisteddfod newydd hon dros y tair blynedd nesaf. What a fabulous morning in the company of our cluster pupils and teachers today! It was lovely to welcome them all for our inaugural Ysgol Bae Baglan Cluster Eisteddfod in the Michael Sheen Theatre. Sincere thanks and congratulations to all pupils who competed on stage and huge congratulations to Ysgol Baglan and Ysgol Blaenbaglan – joint overall winners this year. Thanks also to Apollo Teaching Services for sponsoring this new Eisteddfod over the next 3 years.