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Gwaith Gwyddoniaeth Blwyddyn 11 Science Work

Mae myfyrwyr Gwyddoniaeth Gymhwysol Sengl Blwyddyn 11 wedi bod yn archwilio defnyddiau cynaliadwy trwy greu bioblastigau, dewis amgen ecogyfeillgar i blastigau traddodiadol sy’n dadelfennu’n naturiol. Gan ddefnyddio glyserol, finegr, dŵr distyll, a startsh corn, fe wnaethant gynhyrchu eu samplau eu hunain a phrofi eu cryfder trwy fesur y màs mwyaf y gallent ei gynnal.

Year 11 Single Applied Science students have been exploring sustainable materials by creating bioplastics, an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics that naturally decompose. Using glycerol, vinegar, distilled water, and corn starch, they produced their own samples and tested their strength by measuring the maximum mass they could support.