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Headteacher’s Update – 13th September 2024

It is hard to beleive that we have been back in school a fortnight already!! I want to say a huge well done to all the pupils who have made a really positive start to the new academic year. We appreciate that getting back into routines after the summer holiday can be difficult, but I have been impressed with the attendance, punctuality and adherence to uniform so far. Assemblies have focussed on the school’s expectations and importance of mutual respect in the school community. I have been particularly impressed with how well our new pupils have settled. Our Nursery and Reception pupils have settled in well and it was a pleasure to attend the primary phase celebration assembly this morning and take an active part in a rendition of “The Grand Old Duke of York” led by Mr Davies (Head of Lower School) on the piano!! Likewise, Year 7 have made an excellent start to their secondary journey. They have acquainted themselves quickly with the school and impressed staff with their maturity and positive attitude. Da iawn all!!

I know that a number of clubs have started again including the numerous sports clubs which we run. I would encourage as many pupils as possible to make use of the opportunities on offer. Excitement is already building for expressive arts activities planned for this term as well as plans for a whole school production in the Spring Term but more about that in a future update.

I will keep it relatively brief this week but please remember to check our website, social media channels and Satchel One for regular communication updates. Let’s hope we all get to enjoy some September sunshine this weekend – the weather has certainly not been kind to us recently that’s for sure.

Thank you for your continued support.

Richard Rees
