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Headteacher’s Update – 19th July 2024

The Summer Term is dominated by GCSE Exam season and both Year 10 and Year 11 conducted themselves extremely well during the exams. We await the results in August and hope that Year 11 have a relaxing summer and get the results that allow them to access whatever route they have planned from September. On that note, GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Arrangements for collection have been issued by Mr Williams and can be found on the school website. It was also nice to see so many Year 11 pupils join us for the Leavers Assembly recently and Celebration Evening in The Manor Park. We have also held a Nursery Graduation as well as a Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly in recent weeks. Pupils across all phases have enjoyed a variety of school trips in recent weeks as well as wellbeing events. Many people from within the community and further afield have commented positively on how well behaved and respectful the pupils have been, which is really nice to hear. This was also the case with our Year 10 pupils who recently undertook a week of work experience. Pupils did themselves and the school proud with some pupils even securing part-time jobs!!

I would like to highlight a few things in readiness for September:

Return to School

Autumn Term begins on Monday 2nd September. This will be an INSET Day as usual.

All pupils will return to school on Tuesday 3rd September (except for Nursery pupils)

School Timings

Foundation Phase

7:50 -8:30 a.m.Breakfast Club (No entry after 8:10 a.m.)
8:30-8:50 a.m.Registration
8:50-10:20 a.m.Session 1
10:20-10:40 a.m.Break
10:40-12:00 p.m.Session 2
12:00-12:50 p.m.Lunch
12:50-3:00 p.m.Session 3
3:00-4:00 p.m.Enrichment

Key Stage 2

7:50 -8:30 a.m.Breakfast Club (No entry after 8:10 a.m.)
8:30-8:50 a.m.Registration
8:50-10:40 a.m.Session 1
10:40-11:00 a.m.Break
11:00-12:30 p.m.Session 2
12:30-1:20 p.m.Lunch
1:20-3:00 p.m.Session 3
3:00-4:00 p.m.Enrichment

Secondary Phase (Year 7-11)

8:00 -8:30 a.m.Breakfast Club
8:30-8:55 a.m.Registration
8:55-9:55 a.m.Lesson 1
9:555-10:55 a.m.Lesson 2
10:55-11:10 a.m.Break
11:10-12:10 p.m.Lesson 3
12:10-1:10 p.m.Lesson 4
1:10-1:55 p.m.Lunchtime
1:55-2:55 p.m.Lesson 5
2:55-3:55 p.m.Enrichment

Attendance & Punctuality

It is really important that pupils attend school as much as possible. If for any reason, they are unable to attend school please contact school to report absence. As highlighted above, the school day in secondary phase starts at 8:30 with registration. This is an important part of the day and I would urge pupils to be on time.


I have communicated several times throughout the year the importance of school uniform. Pupils will be expected to wear uniform in line with the school’s Uniform Policy in September. PE kit should not be worn unless instructed by the Headteacher.

Mobile Phones

We recognise that mobile phones are an important tool for parents to help safeguard their children.  However, we have a very clear message to pupils that mobile phones must not be used during the school day in classrooms or corridors, and nowhere in school during lesson times.  At breaktime and lunchtime pupils may use their mobile phones in the yard or atrium.  Please do not call your children during lesson times as our “Not Seen, Not Heard, Not Taken” message will be confused if they are expected to take or make calls to parents during learning time.  We will continue to confiscate mobile phones until the end of the school day if pupils use them at restricted times or places.


The Local Authority will be erecting a fence around the school’s playing fields adjacent to Western Avenue over the summer holiday. This will ensure that pupils continue to have a safe and healthy environment when undertaking PE lessons and matches etc.

Staff Leaving

It is that time of the year when we say farewell to some members of staff. After long and distinguished careers, the following staff members are retiring:

  • Mrs Kath Palmer (Head of Lower School)
  • Mr Anthony Marchant (Head of Middle School)
  • Mrs Madeline Richards (Nursery)
  • Mr David Clarke (English)
  • Mrs Jodie Jones (English)
  • Mrs Julie Peachey (Science)
  • Mrs Debra Clarke (MFL)
  • Mrs Jaqueline Dorr (RE)

I am sure you will join me in wishing them all the best in their retirement. In addition, Miss Josie Perkins (Art Department) is leaving to take up a Head of Art post. Again, we wish her all the best in her new venture. Mr Michael Larkman will be returning to the Art Department from September. I would also like to wish Mr Robert Hayward (Science) all the best having done cover for us for some time as well as the following support staff who are leaving:

  • Mr Caleb Watkins
  • Ms Abbie Gough
  • Ms Beth Kennedy
  • Ms Emma Freeman
  • Ms Megan Masters
  • Mrs Donna Jones

I would like to thank parents and carers again for their continued support of the school and to wish you all a relaxing summer holiday. We look forward to welcoming all our pupils back in September.

Diolch yn fawr iawn

Mr Rees
