Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Welcome to the final update of 2024!! I would like to thank all pupils, staff, parents and carers and governors for their continued support throughout 2024. I hope whatever you have planned over the next two weeks, you are able to relax and a have a fabulous time.
Just a few reminders:
Monday 6th January is a designated INSET Day for staff so all pupils will return to school on Tuesday 7th January 2025.
Please ensure that pupils attend school as much as possible and are punctual. There have been improvements in both these areas during 2024 which we very much appreciate but attendance remains below pre-COVID figures still. Welsh Government guidance means that any pupil with less than 90% attendance is classed as being a persistent absentee. The school and Education Attendance Service will continue to work closely with pupils and families in 2025. Pupils must also adhere to the school uniform policy which can be accessed via the school website.
I also need to bring to your attention an increase in the price of the set meal from the start of the Spring Term from £2.90 to £3.00. We always endeavour to keep prices as low as possible, however in light of continued increases in food costs, we have had to increase the set meal along with a small increase to menu choice options. These will be available to view via the school website.