As we approach a well-earned half-term break, I would like to thank all pupils, staff and parents/carers for their continued support since September. There are a couple of things I would like to draw to your attention in readiness for pupils returning to school on Tuesday 5th November (Monday 4th November is an INSET Day).
Whilst attendance levels in the primary and secondary phase have increased on this time last year, we are like many schools, still below pre-COVID levels. We have a variety of provisions within school to support attendance and regularly reinforce the importance of good attendance with pupils. If for any reason, a pupil is going to be absent, please contact the school reception so that an appropriate absence code can be applied. The Welsh Government now class a pupil as being a persistent absentee if their attendance is below 90%.
Various changes to protocols for recording and improving punctuality to school introduced in the summer term has seen a reduction in numbers of children arriving late to school. Can I remind pupils in the secondary phase and parents that registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Please make every effort to be there on time.
Thank you again to those parents who are ensuring pupils arrive in school in full school uniform. We hope our flexible approach to having fewer branded items mean that it is more affordable for parents. Please ensure that when we return to school after the holiday, pupils are in uniform as described on our website. It is not acceptable to arrive in school wearing sporting attire unless it is for a legitimate sporting activity – in which case the PE Department will have communicated this.
Secondary Breakfast Club
We have manged to secure funding to provide free toast and a hot chocolate from 7:45 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. This will be available in the small canteen area every day and there will be staff supervision. We are hoping to secure additional funding in order to be able to continue this initiative in the Spring Term.
Keeping everybody safe on the school site is a priority. I kindly ask that parents/carers avoid parking their cars on the double yellow lines by main reception. If you are dropping pupils off for breakfast club, nursery etc please park in one of the designated parking bays. Similarly, I would ask that parents remain in their cars with the engine off after school if you are parked in the front car park. The gates are closed between 2:40 p.m. and 3:10 p.m. to minimise the amount of traffic moving on site. This way I can continue to allow people to park on site and ensure pupils leave in a safe manner.
School Production
We are delighted to announce that this year’s school production will be The Wizard of OZ. It will take place 18th-20th February 2025. It is fair to say that excitement levels are rising already!!
I hope everybody has a lovely half-term and we look forward to welcoming the pupils back on Tuesday 5th November.