Primary Phase Christmas Concerts
Last week saw the Christmas concerts for our Primary Phase. The pupils did exceptionally well and everybody it’s fair to say was royally entertained!! As I said in the concerts, we are very grateful for the support of parents and carers who helped supply costumes-they looked amazing. A big thank you also to the staff who helped organise the two productions.
Gwobr Arian Siarter Iaith Silver Award
We are exceptionally proud after receiving the Welsh Language Charter Silver Award. Huge congratulations to our pupils, staff, parents and community partners. Diolch yn fawr to Mr Rhys Locke from the Local Authority for his extremely positive validation visit.

Blwyddyn 7 / Year 7
Llongyfarchiadau to our Seren yr Wythnos, Chelsea Woodham and Taylor Darcy Jones, along with Amahrae Evans and Callan Boxall for their wonderful interviews with S4C, earning their Gwobr Cymreictod.
After several quality applications, Ayna Reezman, James Eagle and Jayden Morgan have been announced as our Digital Leaders. Blwyddyn 7 have been continuing their kindness with an extensive range of donations for the local Mr. X appeal. Diolch yn fawr for the huge generosity shown!
Football v St Joseph’s
It was lovely to welcome the year 7 boys football team from Ysgol St Joseph’s and their parents to school for a league game. Excellent performances from both teams and congratulations to our Year 7 on their 7-3 victory.
Blwyddyn 8 / Year 8
This week’s Seren Yr Wythnos Certificates were awarded to Joshua Jones and Will Button both of 8AWA for the support and kindness to a new pupil who joined their form class. They both went above and beyond to make the new pupil feel welcome and supported in their new school. Well done boys!
Many Year 8 pupils have been very busy this week in extra- curricular activities, they have taken part in the Girls Hockey tournament on Tuesday, they have been involved in Criw Cymraeg, they have been busy promoting and collecting for the Mr X Appeal and meeting with Assembly Minister for Aberafan; Mr David Rees. Finally, pupils are in the process of volunteering themselves for the Pupil Voice Committees. I’m pleased to say many pupils have put themselves forward.
Year 8 Hockey v Ysgol Ystalyfera/Ysgol Bro Dur
Da iawn to our year 8 hockey team who played their first matches against Ysgol Bro Dur and Ysgol Ystalyfera, excellent results.

It was a pleasure to welcome AM for Aberafan David Rees to school for a Q&A session with a group of our year 7,8,9 and 10 pupils. He talked about his roles and responsibilities and explaining the wider role of the Senedd. Our pupils were great, asking important and mature questions.

Mrs John’s National Youth Arts Trust Theatre Group, made up mainly of past and present pupils, performed in the Shakespeare Festival in the Gwyn Hall last week. They were an absolute credit to our school! Mrs John said she was extremely proud of them, their performance was outstanding as was their behaviour.

Some excellent individual performances at the Cross-Country Championships held at the Elba grounds, Gowerton. In particular-
Year 7 Boys (75 participants) – Brody Howells (3rd), Callan Boxall (4th), Reuben Weaver (15th)
Year 7 Girls (66) – Carys Singleton (11th)
Year 8/9 Boys (101) – Sam Gibbon (7th)
Year 8/9 Girls (90) – Annie Evans (2nd)
Year 7 Boys Football v St Josephs (home) – Won
Year 9 Boys Rugby v Cefn Hengoed – Ospreys Cup (away) – Lost
Year 7 Boys Rugby v Dwr Y Felin (home) – Lost
Year 10 Boys Rugby v Cefn Hengoed – Ospreys Cup (Home)
Some things to be aware of this week include:
Year 11 Mock Examinations
Year 11 mock examinations have started this week. Mr Williams has put details on the school website. It is important that pupils attend all examinations
Christmas Dinner
Christmas dinner is on Wednesday 4th December. Again, information has been posted on the school website.
Change of INSET Date
You may have seen on the school website that the scheduled INSET in March has been moved to Monday 17th February. This is beyond our control unfortunately as it is WJEC training linked to the new GCSE Qualifications which come in to effect from September 2025.
Fixtures/Training 2nd-6th Dec
Mon 2nd – Year 7/8 girls netball training (lunch)
Tues 3rd – Year 7 Girls Urdd Netball (Cardiff -all day)
Year 8 mixed Hockey training (lunch)
Year 8 Boys Rugby v St Joseph’s (away)
Year 10 Boys Rugby v Cefn Hengoed (home)
Basketball training – Mixed Years (Sports-hall)
Weds 4th – Year 7 Hockey training (lunch)
Year 7 Football v Bro Dur (Away)
Thurs 5th – Year 8/9 Girls Rugby Festival (Cynffig School)
Year 9 Football v St Josephs (Home)
Netball fixtures v Cefn Saeson (home) – Year groups confirmed early this week.
Mr X Appeal
A massive thank you for all the donations for the Mr X Appeal which Miss Preedy has co-ordinated again this year. The gifts were collected on Monday morning and the generosity and support of all staff, pupils and parents has been astonishing (as can be seen in the photograph). Once again, we have filled a transit van with our donations and hopefully made Christmas a little brighter for many children in the local community.