Deputy Child Protection Officers: Mr A. Davies, Mrs R. Williams, Mr M. Morgan, Mrs S. Rogers
Anyone with safeguarding concerns for their own child or systems in school can telephone school and speak to any of of the people above or email 6715500safeguarding@hwbwave15.onmicrosoft.com as a single point of contact within school.
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is available on our policies page here.
If you have concerns about adults or children in the community, Neath Port Talbot’s Adult’s and Children’s Single Point of Contact Team (SPOC) are a multi-disciplinary service who can offer you information, advice and assistance. To contact SPOC, call (01639) 686802 (Open 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 4.30pm on a Friday) or email spoc@npt.gov.uk.
Pastoral Care
Ysgol Bae Baglan Deputy Designated Child Protection Officers:
- Lower School led by Mr A. Davies for pupils in Nursery to Year 6.
- Middle School led by Mr M. Morgan for pupils in Year 7 & Year 8.
- Upper School led by Mrs Sarah Rogers for pupils in Year 9 to Year 11.
- ALN Pupils led by our ALNCo Mrs R. Williams.
The day to day organisation and guidance of pupils is the main responsibility of the Wellbeing Directors. They have responsibility for the welfare, attendance, punctuality and behaviour of pupils in their year group. Pupils within each Year Group are grouped into forms made up of pupils from all our partner Primary Schools. We do, where possible attempt to keep friendship groups together, but we also encourage pupils to mix and to make new friends. Each form will be in the care of a Form Tutor who will get to know pupils well during daily morning registration. Pupils should feel free to discuss with their form tutor any issues that are worrying them, as well as informing them of any successes and achievements. Pupils in the Lower School can share concerns with their class teacher and classroom assistants with whom they have daily contact.
The school also employs Pastoral Support Assistants who work closely with pupils and the Education Welfare Service. In addition, Ysgol Bae Baglan has a fulltime school-based counselling service which pupils can access through an online self-referral process, placing requests in counselling boxes or asking staff to assist with a referral. The School Nurse provides a drop-in service and strong links also exist with external agencies who provide specialist pastoral support. The Cynnydd project also work with those aged between 11 and 16 years old who are at risk.