Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Chloe ym mlwyddyn 11am ddod yn gydradd 3ydd yn y Gystadleuaeth Llenyddiaeth i Ddysgwyr yn Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. Huge congratulations to Chloe in year 11 on coming joint 3rd in the Learners Literacy Competition in Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024.
Eisteddfod Y Rhondda
Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Amelia ym mlwyddyn 11am ddod yn gydradd 3ydd yn y Gystadleuaeth Llenyddiaeth i Ddysgwyr yn Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. Huge congratulations to Amelia in year 11 on coming joint 3rd in the Learners Literacy Competition in Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024.
Tarian Ysgol Bae Baglan Shield
Dyma’r pwyntiau ar ol ein cystadlaethau ar 18 Tachwedd. Edrychwn ymlaen at ein cystadlaethau rygbi a hoci ar 7 Ebrill 2025. Here are the points after our competitions on 18 November. We are loking forward to our rugby and hockey competitions on 7 April 2025.
Tarian Ysgol Bae Baglan Shield
Cystadleuaeth pel-rwyd, llongyfarchiadau i bob tim sydd wedi cystadlu heddiw gyda son arbenning i’n hennillwyr Ysgol Tywyn ac ail safle Ysgol Carreg Hir: Netball competition, congratulations to all who competed today with special mention to our winners Ysgol Tywyn and runners up Ysgol Carreg Hir.
Tarian Ysgol Bae Baglan Shield
Cystadleuaeth pel-droed, llongyfarchiadau i bob tim sydd wedi cystadlu heddiw gyda son arbenning i’n hennillwyr Ysgol Tywyn ac ail safle Ysgol Baglan: Football competition, congratulations to all who competed today with special mention to our winners Ysgol Tywyn and runners up Ysgol Baglan.
Eisteddfod Y Rhondda Capel Hermon, Treorci 16 Tachwedd 2024
Ar ddydd Sadwrn, aeth 14 o’n ddisgyblion i Gapel Hermon, Treorci er mwyn cystadlu yn Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. Profiad hyfryd a llwyddiannus i’r grŵp unwaith eto. On Saturday, 14 of our pupils travelled to Hermon Chapel, Treorchy to compete in Eisteddfod Y Rhondda 2024. Another lovely, successful experience for the group.
Grŵp Recitation Blwyddyn 7-13 Group Recitation
3ydd Ysgol Bae Baglan
Cystadleuaeth Llenyddiaeth Blwyddyn 7-13 Literacy Competition
3ydd ar y cyd Amelia Davies/Chloe Evans Ysgol Bae Baglan
Cystadleuaeth Celf Blwyddyn 7-13 Literacy Competition
1af Brooke Little Ysgol Bae Baglan
Llwyddiant Criw Cymraeg Success
WAW!!! Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i’n Criw Cymraeg sydd wedi ennill cystadleuaeth Den Y Dreigiau Ysgolion Castell Nedd Port Talbot heddiw. Enillon nhw £1000 i wario ar ddatblygu’r Gymraeg o gwmpas yr ysgol a’r gymuned leol. Roedd eu cyflwyniad dwyieithog yn hynod o broffesiynol ac angerddol dros yr iaith. Diolch yn fawr i Miss Holland, Mrs Thomas a’r staff i gyd am yr holl waith i gefnogi’r criw.
WOW!!! Huge congratulations to our Criw Cymraeg who won the Neath Port Talbot Schools Dragon’s Den competition today. They won a prize of £1000 to spend on developing the use of Welsh across our school and local community. Their bilingual presentation was very professional, highlighting thier obvious passion for our language. Many thanks to Miss Holland, Mrs Thomas and all staff for their support to the crew.
Gwasanaeth Dydd Y Cofio Ysgol Bae Baglan Remembrance Service
Cynhelir wasanaeth Dydd Y Cofio parchus ac urddasol yn yr ysgol ar ddydd Mawrth. Roedden wrth ein boddau i groesawu S4C am y gwasanaeth. A very respectful and dignified whole school Remembrance Service was held on Tuesday. We were delighted to welcome S4C to the service.
Please click here to see the coverage of our service, as shown on the S4C programme Heno on Tuesday evening.
Cystadleuaeth Ffotograffiaeth Eisteddfod Y Cymoedd Photography Competition
Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Ceirion yn dosbarth 7MLA sydd wedi ennill y gystadleuaeth ffotograffiaeth Blwyddyn 7-13 yn Eisteddfod Y Cymoedd yng Nghaerffili eleni. Huge congratulations to Ceirion in class 7MLA who recently won the Year 7-13 photography competition at the Valleys Eisteddfod in Caerphilly.
Sul Y Cofio/Remembrance Sunday
Hyfryd iawn oedd gweld Rocco ac Ariana o Flwyddyn 11 yn cynrychioli’r ysgol yng ngwasanaeth Sul Y Cofio yn Llansawel. It was lovely to see Year 11 pupils Rocco and Ariana representing the school at the Remembrance Sunday service in Briton Ferry.
Llongyfarchaidau enfawr merched! Pencampwyr Pel-Fasged Blwyddyn 7&8 Castell Nedd Port Talbot! Huge congratulations to our Year 7&8 Neath Port Talbot Basketball Champions!
Dydd Y Cofio/Remembrance Day 2024
Click here to see details of our Whole School Remembrance Day service, taking place in school on Tuesday 12th November 2024, due to GCSE exams for year 11 on Monday 11th November 2024. We kindly ask that all pupils are in full school uniform with a suitable coat for the weather conditions on the day (25 minute outside service).
Clwb Brecwast Newydd (cyfnod uwchradd)/New Breakfast Club (secondary phase)
Please click here to see details of our new trial period secondary phase free breakfast club, starting from Tuesday 5th November 2024.
Eisteddfod Y Cymoedd 18 Hydref 2024
35 of our amazing pupils visited Ysgol Cwm Rhymni in Caerphilly on Friday evening to compete at Eisteddfod Y Cymoedd 2024. Click on the link here to read more about their fabulous success at the event.
Eisiau siarad Cymraeg a’ch plentyn/Want to speak Welsh with your child?
Please click here for details of a course you can complete from home in order to help you support your child in learning Welsh.